Weight Loss

Why choose Mission Wellness for your weight-loss goals?

We know each client is different and their needs are different. During the first appointment known as the discovery session, a detailed health and eating history is reviewed. Following that step, a customized protocol that involves feeding the client’s metabolism, while stimulating fat loss and preserving muscle is developed.

When clients come to Mission Wellness for weight-loss. We know that excess weight is a symptom of something else going on. Whether it is an imbalance of hormones, impaired digestion, the wrong foods for this specific client, impaired pathway for optimized health or another reason. We remove the guess work and administer proper testing to discover the root cause so we can get the client to achieve the results they need.

Gut health is also addressed because Ashley knows there needs to be a healthy balance of specific strains of bacteria for a healthy metabolic function. The protocol is designed for your lifestyle so no matter how busy you are a program will be created that will work for YOU! Together we give the body what it needs.

With a detailed intake form, screening labs, and genetic testing, Ashley no longer must make educated guesses at what someone needs to optimize their nutrition.

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